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Maryculter Trinity Church Scotland

A Bible Study Group meet every Tuesday evening in The Church Hall at 7.30pm.  Please note that dates can change from time to time so please check with Joyce Mackintosh (01224 733495) before attending.  This is ecumenical and open to all who are interested.  Come along and join in reading and discussing a different passage each week, sing hymns, pray, and enjoy fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee.

Community Coffee Mornings are held on the 1st, 3rd 5th Wednesday of the month in Maryculter Trinity Church from 10.00am – 11.30am.  Fresh coffee or tea and home bakes £3.  Come and enjoy chats with friends, and make new friends.  We look forward to welcoming you.  For further details or to arrange a lift, please phone Anne Massie - 01224 732071, or Dianne Brown on 01224 734687.

The Guild led by Mrs Helen Anderson is held on the first Monday of the month at 7.30 – 9.30pm in Maryculter Trinity Church Hall from February to April.  New members or visitors are always welcome to come and hear interesting talks, enjoy fellowship and a cup of tea.  Further details from Helen Tel. No. 01330 811754.

Fairtrade:  We are a Fairtrade church which means we use, sell and promote Traidcraft products, and these are available at the sales table in the church hall every Sunday after the morning service.

Christian Aid: We run events throughout the year for this organisation and have helped many projects including Water Aid, Present Aid and HIV/Aids.

Maryculter Trinity Church of Scotland

Kirkton of Maryculter, Aberdeenshire, AB12 5FS Scottish Charities Number: SC013648

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